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Moody Medical Library offers free, hands-on, classes on library resources and information management. Face-to-face, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom sessions are available, at your convenience. The regular course offerings, listed below, generally last one hour. Customized sessions that cover a combination of resources can also be arranged for individuals or groups. Email us to schedule a class.

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Class Descriptions

Librarians are available to teach classes one-on-one or in group sessions, and classes can be tailored to suit your specific needs. Email us to schedule your class. You may also contact your Library Liaison to schedule sessions.

Publishing and Research Metrics

  • Identifying Predatory Journals and Conferences
    Predatory journals and conferences are preying on academics. They exploit the author pays open access model and the need to publish. This class explores features of predatory publishers and how to distinguish from legitimate open access publishing opportunities.
  • Ive Written It, Now Where Do I Publish It?
    Selecting the right journal can be critical to getting your article published. This can be a challenge when new to a field or your top choice rejects your work. This class covers tips for identifying journals, publishers with whom the Library has agreements for article processing charges, and touches on avoiding predatory publishers.
  • Measuring Research Impact
    Learn about the h-index, the Eigen factor, and other methods of looking at research productivity. See how these metrics can be discovered in Scopus and other resources. Use of journal level metrics to help decide where to submit articles for publication will also be discussed.
  • Who's Citing You? Scopus and Beyond
    Want to know how many times an article has been cited in the literature? Interested in the number of times a particular author has been cited?  Scopus  provides cited reference counts to allow you to find out how many times a particular article has been cited, then takes you to the actual citations to help you discover related research. This short course will provide tips and tricks for searching the Scopus database specifically for cited reference information. Other sources of cited reference data will also be covered.
  • Overview of Review Article Types: Considerations in Choosing to Write a Review Article
    There are many types of review articles beyond the general overview review or systematic review. This class explores the review article landscape and how your research question and timeline factor into “which review should I do?”.

Research Compliance

  • My NCBI: My Bibliography and SciENcv
    Learn how tools that are integrated with PubMed can help track compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy and create biosketches for NIH and NSF grant applications. My Bibliography provides a place to track your publications. SciENcv is an electronic system that helps you assemble the professional profile needed for application for federal funds.  Since these tools are integrated with PubMed, inserting publications into your profile has never been easier!
  • NIH Public Access Policy
    This class provides an overview of the NIH Public Access Policy. Learn about the steps involved in complying with the policy and how to demonstrate compliance.
  • Searching for Animal Use Alternatives 
    Are you engaged in animal research? This class covers the literature search requirements and resources for the 3 R's (reduce, refine, replace) to ensure Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol essentials are met.

Support for Educators

  • Copyright for Educators
    When developing and using online materials it is important to understand some copyright principles. Your potential use of existing work is bound by copyright law, and your own work is protected by these same rules. Be aware that copyright law is extremely complex, and there are seldom simple answers to copyright questions. This course is designed to give an introduction to, and raise awareness of, copyright principles.
  • How to Find Images and Videos for Teaching
    Finding images and videos that are not restricted by copyright can be a challenge. This course explores how to utilize multimedia found in Library resources. In addition, this course covers tips and tricks for locating images on the Internet that can be re-used without copyright concerns.
  • Searching for Health Professions Education Literature
    Faculty are versed in the literature in their specialty. Literature is available to support the role as educator, too. This course leverages searching skills from other domains and applies them to education topics and covers databases likely to include articles related to health professions education.

Classes on Library Resources:

  • Citation Managers: EndNote Basic, Mendeley, Zotero
    Keep your references organized online with the free, web-based citation managers. Learn basic features and how to effectively move references from search results into the citation manager of your choice.
  • Effective Searching to Support Evidence-based Practice 
    Learn how to spend less time searching and more time retrieving the articles you need. Fundamental commands and basic search techniques will be covered while increasing your understanding and confidence of major health sciences literature databases. Hands-on exercises will help participants learn the benefits of using subject headings and the use of Boolean operators to combine concepts. Choose to concentrate on CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), Medline (PubMed or Ovid interfaces), Cochrane Library, or Scopus.
  • Keeping Up with the Medical Literature (
    Keeping up with the medical literature is an important piece of providing evidence-based patient care and life-long learning. This course will provide library tips to explore and resources to explore, as well as provide a refresher on effectively searching PubMed.
  • Using Library Resources to Answer Learning Issues
    This session is designed to acquaint students with basic health sciences information resources. The class focuses on matching the best resource to the question asked. Proven, reliable ebooks/ebook packages will be highlighted. In addition, a brief introduction to databases for finding evidence-based literature for clinical decision making will be given.  The class encourages students to be critical consumers of information and introduces web sites for gathering reliable health information.
  • CINAHL: Finding Evidence in Nursing and the Health Professions
    Learn how to spend less time searching and more time retrieving the articles you need in the nursing and health professions literature. Hands-on exercises will help participants to learn the benefits of using CINAHL(Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Subject Headings and the use of Boolean operators to combine concepts.
  • Find It @UTMB: Tips and Tricks for Using E-journalsDo you need to easily connect to full journal articles?  Do you have favorite journals you want to follow? This class will explore how to how to connect to articles directly from search results and discover the journals available at UTMB, and use these journals from your mobile device using BrowZine.
  • Finding Systematic Reviews: Cochrane Library and Beyond
    Locating systematic reviews can help inform patient care or be an important step in gap analysis when planning a study. This class will cover how to effectively use the Cochrane Library, Medline, and CINAHL to locate systematic reviews.
  • Ovid Medline
    This class covers the Ovid interface to MEDLINE. Learn fundamental commands and basic search techniques while increasing your understanding and confidence in using Ovid MEDLINE. Hands-on exercises will help participants learn the benefits of using the Medical Subject Headings and the use of Boolean operators to combine concepts.
  • PubMed
    This class covers the popular PubMed interface to MEDLINE. Veteran PubMed users can take this course to catch up on new features. Beginners should take it to learn the fastest ways to get good results. Hands-on exercises will help participants learn and maximize utilization of  features of the search interface and provide practice with the use of Boolean operators to combine concepts.
  • Scopus
    Want to find articles in the sciences?  Need information that may not be covered in Medline?  Want to know how many times an article has been cited in the literature? Interested in the number of times a particular author has been cited? After attending this class, you will be able to answer those questions and locate articles on a particular topic by learning techniques to effectively use Scopus.